There are tears in your eyes 'cause you forgot to blink,
Tears of love, tears in ink ...
The light starts fading, the minutes go by –
You’ve decided, yet you still ask 'why'...
Change is constant, Permanence is fleeting;
If this is the rule, why does it feel like I'm cheating?
Yesterday is gone for good...
And I'd bring it back... if I only could!
Today is grossly misunderstood...
And then Tomorrow, everything will change -
The people you’re with will be out of range...
For Change is constant, Permanence is fleeting;
'Different' happens and keeps repeating!
If only there was this magic potion,
That would block that steady stream of emotion;
Yes, an obscure, wishful notion...
You shrug off Today and get set for Tomorrow -
Maximize Hope and Minimize Sorrow...
'Cause Change is constant, Permanence is fleeting;
We toil and we struggle, yet we're still 'competing'!