Thursday, December 31, 2009

...twenty-nine, twenty-ten!

The sights and sounds all around are typical and familiar.

Belly dancers, smelly dancers, Master "Bapi" and DJ "Montu" are all in town! There is no escaping the usual overload of 'teasers' - a diarrhoea of adverts on the telly, and on the radio, repeated text messages and emails - the newspaper, meanwhile, has an extended 'Page 3' that's spread over its entirety. 'Colourful', to say the least - you could almost use the pages as wrapping paper. Look! They're even giving you discount coupons! If you spend your month's salary on a bottle of beer and some chicken-wings while Miss Anna from Somewhere-Vague-but-Foreign says "Na-mas-tay" and does the 'thumka'... you get a full 5% off! An offer that's hard to resist!?!

Even dull, drab, everyday locations will be transformed into 'rocking' dance-floors for the "Mega-Nite", the "Gala-Event", the "Biggest Party of the Year". Are you coming?

We're almost there...3, 2, 1... and I'll bet that, precisely at that 'magical' moment, scores of folks the world over will be "bottoms-up"-ing their way into the 'brand-new' calendar year.
Woo hoo!

But hey! As seemingly cynical as I may sound, this is my stand - of course you should celebrate. You must celebrate. Regardless of how or where. It's really none of my business what you do. To be brutally honest, I don't really care (just as long as you're more or less safe, I guess).

You simply MUST celebrate.
'Cause 2009 was a rough one!


I know I probably make it sound a bit like dancing at a funeral, but tonight, for me, is literally a send-off for one of the most testing years that I've seen in this lifetime.

It wasn't quite the end of the world (that isn't due for another 3 years!). Then again, it was never a walk in the park. For the better part of this year we've all been at the mercy of 'global' evil - the recession, which was, in my book, as big a pandemic as the swine-flu (they make quite a pair!) and a whole lot of other blood-sucking, spine-chilling, nerve-wracking nonsense took centrestage... and just stayed there! Their vicious tentacles spread themselves all across the globe and held Earth in a death-grip! (Well.. sort of)...

And, on the personal front, all of Murphy's Laws were pretty much the rule through these weeks and months. Not fair!

However, all said and done - somehow, at this point, the optimist in me has finally sprung back to life! :-D

I'm not sure - maybe it's just a simple sense of occasion that's at work. But I'd like to think that it isn't. I have this warm, fuzzy feeling about twenty-ten. No real indicators, no guarantees, but just a strong hunch that we'll be surfing on a wave of positivity well into the year ahead.

"Bottoms-up"... :-)

Have an awesome year!

Please Note: Master "Bapi", DJ "Montu" and Miss Anna are fictitious - they are not intended to bear any resemblance to characters living, dead or somewhat unsure. If they do, well... that's freaky.


Unknown said...

Powerful stuff... well done for penning in the new decade :-)

Poulami said...

oho..sumone sounds bleak!!but alls well that ends well i hope :)
Wish u a very happy new year...a complete opposite of the crappy last year u seem to have had!!

Rainmaker said...

Wow!! Great post! Brilliant way to start off the year! Looking forward to more such stuff from you! Cheers and Happy New Year! Just two more to go....

Unknown said...

@Shumone - thanks for giving me a signature 'well-done' :-D

@Poulami - well, I didn't intend to sound that way... but yes, wasn't one of the better years. thanks... hope your good wishes last all the way till '11. and wish you a super 2010.

@Rainmaker - you've been a solid source of encouragement for the last 5 years! thank you... so when are you getting back to the canvas?
have a great year!

Antara said...

Woohoo! Not bad...let's hope that this year is a steadfast one.
You have learnt a lot from 2009, you have to give that to the past year. The learnings from the past year, I am sure, would help u glide through this brand new one!

Unknown said...

@Antara - thanks... yup, this year's given me a lot to think about... keeping my fingers crossed for the days ahead... hope you have a great 2010!

Rupa said...

One of your best till date.
Look forward to more such awesome posts and positivity in 2010. Ghumiye porish na! :)


Unknown said...

@Rupa - thanks a tonne... will drink lots of tea and coffee in that case! :-)

Unknown said...


In my case, rather late for New Year Wishes and retrospections....but what the heck! 'Bottom's Up' *hic*...I'm sure 2010 will be a helluva year...even the Wipro flyover is up and running! ;o) Wishing you my best!

Unknown said...

@Kriti - thanks a bunch! it took me an even longer while to respond... but nevertheless --> hope you have a super year. :-)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing

Unknown said...

@ Anonymous 1, 2 and 3 - whoever you are, thank you for your feedback and concern.