Sunday, February 05, 2006


My career has rolled onto a rather awkward juncture.

I’ve come to a stage where there isn’t much I can do from my side… except ‘wait’. For the last three months, all I’ve been doing is waiting in the 'wings' - waiting for the ‘next big thing’ to happen.

Promises have been made… and delayed… indefinitely, and I’m left in this ‘suspended’ state, floating around… aimless.

I need to ‘break free’,
run out of this building…
make headlines…

I need a new job… or maybe I just need something new in this job.

But alas! There is this (false?) sense of security… this ‘comfort-zone’ that I’m living in that’s holding me back.
Steady job.
Steady pay.
The same ol’ bus-route…
Known faces.


I need a plan.


Anonymous said...

Guess most of us suffer from the same kind of feeling...we r not satisfied with what we r doing but yet will not go the extra mile to try out something new..but dude it is all about trying once and breaking free...go ahead and do what u want is the limit...all the best


Unknown said...

"The canvas of life is all that is bright
Like the other side of a coin
has shadows of sorrow and light
is intertwined in it at the twists
and turns of fate like a tide"
It is the cruel inscrurable buffets of destiny that has snatched you from the lovely canopy of family.
But a life is but a sorrowful thing where pain and passion are merged together.